In the final showdown, all the weapons used against him fail. Klaus also kidnaps Caroline Forbes and holds her hostage as bait to get Stefan to fight him. He offers Damon a truce if he will keep out of his way while he violently kills Stefan. He murders Sue Carson, a friend of Bonnie and Meredith, and Vickie Bennett in an extremely violent manner.

After that, he uses Tyler and his own enhanced vampire powers to play with the Salvatore brothers and their human friends.
Klaus turned her into a vampire and instructed her on how to be malevolent and despotic.Ĭenturies later, Katherine thought that she killed him, but Klaus arrives in Fell's Church, where he helps Tyler Smallwood become a werewolf. One day, a maid begged for his help to save her dying mistress, Katherine von Swartzschild. Despite his seemingly erratic and scattered personality, he appears to be a patient and methodical killer capable of elaborate plans. His mood changes from cheerful and amused to enraged in seconds. He nearly kills Stefan with the white ash wood spear that was intended for him. He refers to everyone as "sport." He writes "Goodnight, sweetheart" on Vickie's mirror after brutally murdering her and leaving the same song playing in her room. When pressed, he is deadly serious and reminds everyone about his unfathomable old age, but usually, he seems unnaturally chipper, and his evil deeds during Dark Reunion are tinged with irony. Personality-wise, Klaus is extremely deranged, and the line between his evil and his madness are very blurry. He is described as being handsome although his features are often contorted in madness. Klaus is Nordic in appearance, with electric blue eyes and short, close-cropped, platinum blond hair. In the late 15 century, he lived in a village in Germany, where the people thought that he was the devil himself. According to him, he fought in the Trojan War and helped cause the downfall of the Roman Empire. Klaus is a pureblood vampire, one of the 'Old Ones' who has never been a human, and he existed long ago before the Pyramids were built, which was c. Klaus is resurrected in The Hunters: Destiny Rising, on a mission to get revenge and destroy Elena and all of her friends. He is the main antagonist in Dark Reunion and The Hunters: Destiny Rising.
Klaus was a character of The Vampire Diaries novel series and an Old One, a pureblooded vampire.